

Following is a general historical overwiew  of the “Sekitsch and Feketitsch Danube-Swabians” who lived in the state of Vojvodina,  more specifically in the province of Batschka.                                 



Germans were recruited by the Austrian emporer to settle the land.

The Austrian-Hungarian emporium reigned. The official language was German.


The assassination in Sarajevo (Bosnia)


Proclamation of  the state of Serbs, Croats and Slovenians. Until 1941 the official language was Serbian.


The idea of a united South-Slavic state is realized. The official name of the new country: the kingdom of Yugoslavia


Germany declares war against Yugoslavia – begin of the miltary campaign against Yugoslavia. Hungary also declares war against Yugoslavia. Installation of the Hungarian administration in the Batschka. Official language until 1944 is Hungarian. The men eligible for the military draft had the choice of either to volunteering for duty in the German SS or join the Hungarian military


A smaller part of  the inhabitants chose the flight with the horse trek. Shortly after this followed the invasion of the Russians. Expulsion, abduction and prisoner campsfollowed. (The Avnoj declaration / the national council of  liberation of Yugoslavia)


The first „Parish Festival“ after the expulsion in Geislingen


The association for the cultivation of Danube-Swabian culture” located in Sersheim was founded in 1974 and in 1975 the articles were manifested.


Establishment of the Association


The founding assembly took place on Sept. 14th. 1974 in Geislingen

The association was named: “The Association for the Cultivation of Danube-Swabian Culture”, HOG Sekitsch-Feketitsch (HeimatOrtsGemeinschaft – HomeTown-Association). located in Sersheim. Articles were manifested on Nov. 5.1975

The Founding Members

Georg Bieber, München, First Chairman, deceaced 27.August 2010
Dr. Karl Tauss, 2nd Chairman,
Dipl. Ing. Oswald Hartmann, 2nd deputy and first cashier
Johann Karbiener, Lampertheim, secretary
Ludwig Schneider, Geislingen
Franz Glöckner, Göppingen
Stefan Becker, Geislingen

Further attendees Philipp Sandles and Philipp Wagner